Ross & Van Compernolle
Ross & Van Compernolle is committed to the highest standards of integrity. Further we are accountable to our stakeholders under the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to our business. We therefore not only comply with both the letter and the spirit of the applicable regulations but also act with due care, diligence and skill.
RVC Emerging Asia Fund is a Cayman Islands registered mutual fund and is regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority under the Mutual Funds Law. RVC Emerging Asia Fund therefore complies with the statutory obligations of CIMA, including:
All our Directors are registered with or licensed by the CIMA. Under Cayman Islands law, a director of a Cayman Islands company is obliged to comply with fiduciary duties and duties of care, diligence and skill
Having a local auditor – we are audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers
Compliance with rigorous initial and ongoing disclosure standards
Anti-Money Laundering
The Cayman Islands anti-money laundering regime applies to all Cayman Islands based funds.
The regime also applies to managers, advisers and placement agents licensed or exempted under the Securities Investment Business Law. The regime requires the implementation of procedures for the identification and prevention of money laundering and the combating of terrorist financing. In the case of Cayman Islands based funds, typically the procedures are delegated to the administrator or promoter of the fund. RVC Emerging Asia Fund is administered by DBS Bank (Singapore).

Implementation Of Us and Uk Fatca Regimes
Cayman Islands based funds
are subject to the Tax Information Authority (International Tax Compliance) (United States of America) Regulations and the Tax Information Authority (International Tax Compliance) (United Kingdom) Regulations which implement the US and UK FATCA regimes in the Cayman Islands. Accordingly, as defined financial institutions, funds are required to establish procedures for the identification of investors who are direct or indirect United States or United Kingdom taxable persons.