Sustainability at Ross & Van Compernolle
What does sustainability mean to us?
Sustainability is an approach that considers our present needs but without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. A common approach society has taken is to focus only on ‘profit’, but now it is essential to use a ‘triple bottom line’ (planet, people, profit) lens in both running and assessing companies, as well as decision making in general.

Ross & Van Compernolle integrates an Environmental, Societal and Governance (ESG) framework into our investment process which can highlight and manage material ESG risks and opportunities. This responsible investment approach maximises our chances of delivering superior risk adjusted returns over the long term.
Our Approach
Our approach is a 4-fold approach which covers Integration, Engagement, Exclusion and Reporting.
We integrate the assessment of ESG factors into our core investment process. Whilst we also utilise third party assessments, tools and frameworks as part of our comprehensive analysis, it is essential that our investment and engagement team incorporate this approach into their daily responsibilities
As well as being a precondition for investing in a company, ongoing engagement or direct communication with our investee companies across all ESG business drivers is a critical two-way process. This collaborative process allows for mutual insights and importantly, a chance to express any stewardship concerns.
We may avoid investing in certain companies whose businesses may be exposed to certain risks at a Global, Sector and Governance level. As an active manager with only one Fund, we are able to more closely understand our investee companies.
Our internal and external reports cover ESG activities, at a Company level as well as a Fund level.
Please see our ESG Policy for further details
ESG Policy